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frequently asked questions

How to pay the water bill?2024-02-28T18:12:32+00:00

You may pay you water bills at the cash counter of in the following banks:

  • Jazz Cash
  • General Post Office
  • Allied Bank Limited
  • National Bank of Pakistan
  • Bank of Punjab
  • Bank Alfalah Limited
  • Bank Al Habib Limited
Will WASA accept part payment of dues?2024-02-28T18:22:53+00:00

The part payment of water and sewerage bills are accepted on revised assessment, after the property owner sends an appeal to the related Revenue Office.

How to change the classification of connection?2024-02-28T18:25:49+00:00

In order to change the connection category, the consumer should send a written application to Director Revenue Office of the respective area.

What to do in case of repair of defective meters?2024-02-28T18:28:06+00:00

The consumer has to send a written application to the concerned Revenue Office informing about the repair of the meter along with a payed challan for meter testing. The charges for meter testing depend on the size of meter.
If the meter is found defective, on the orders of the Revenue Office, a new meter is installed by WASA engineer. As the meter is the property of consumer, the consumer has to pay for the new meter as well.

How to get new water and sewer connection?2024-02-28T18:39:42+00:00

In order to get a new water connection, please follow the given instructions:

Required Documents

Following documents should be provided with the new connection form:
  • Attested photocopy of CNIC
  • Attested photocopy of sale deed/proof of ownership
  • Copy of the assessment (E&T Dept.) specify the dept. instead of giving abbreviations
  • Site Plan to indicate location of property

Types of Connections

The following types of connections are sanctioned:
  • Domestic (Metered)
  • Commercial (Metered)
  • Industrial (Metered)
How to change the consumer name on the water bill?2024-02-28T18:33:42+00:00

For change of name, the applicant will have to submit the following documents:

  • Attested photocopy of sale deed in favor of applicant
  • Attested photocopy of CNIC
  • Photocopy of the last paid bill

In case the sale deed is registered in favor of more than one person, attested affidavit from the others in favor of the applicant must be given along with their CNIC copy. If the property involves 3 parties since the installation of water connection, then the third sale deed copy is also included otherwise an affidavit from the applicant as an undertaking must be obtained in the best interest of WASA.

Does WASA treat ground water or water from wells?2024-02-28T18:31:56+00:00

Yes, ground water or water extracted from wells is a major source of water for WASA. Treatment processes for well water involves chlorination and sometimes filtration.

How does WASA assess the dues if meter is faulty?2024-02-28T18:30:49+00:00

The demand will be raised based on your average consumption of previous six months.

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