About WASA Gujranwala
Gujranwala City Situated along the contours of the famous Grand Trunk Road, Gujranwala is an ancient city that lies in the northeast of the Punjab province. It ranks as the third largest industrial center in the country, after Karachi and Faisalabad, in view of the availability of raw material and skilled labor. The nature of industry here is varied and vast, with a major concentration of light engineering industry, besides textiles, leather, ceramics, cutlery, electrical engineering and other industries. The Gujranwala Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is the representative body of traders, and has around 42,00 registered members, while there are also several unregistered businesses that operate informally.
WASA Gujranwala was established in 1997 to takeover prime responsibility for the planning, design and construction of new water supply, sewerage and drainage facilities, rehabilitation and augmentation of the existing system, and operation and maintenance of the entire system in Gujranwala City. Presently WASA Gujranwala is providing water and sewerage services to 73 urban union councils (160 sq. Km). Water Supply system coverage is 37% whereas the coverage of Sewerage/Drainage System is 71%.
about the organization
Water Supply Providing safe & healthy water is one of the major functions of WASA, Gujranwala. 64 Tube wells and 18 Nos Overhead Reservoirs are contributing to water supply system all over the city.
Sewerage / Drainage Waste water of the entire city is drained through a network of lateral, branch and trunk sewers into 40 disposal stations and then pumped into Mir Shikaran Seepage Drain & Ado Rai Drain.
WASA Gujranwala is committed to the efficient and cost effective management of water, sewerage & drainage services in Gujranwala to the satisfaction of public and other stakeholders.
The mission of WASA Gujranwala is to provide at fair and reasonable costs to the consumers:
- Potable water in adequate quantities and at adequate pressures to satisfy domestic, commercial and industrial requirements.
- Collection of liquid waste from individual customers for its safe and proper disposal.
- Treatment of wastewater without hazard to the health of the community in a manner that will protect the environment.
- Planning and management of all storm water related functions within the city.
- Planning , designing and construction of water supply, sewerage and drainage facilities.
- Operation and maintenance of water supply, sewerage and drainage system.
- Billing and collection of rates, fees and charges for the service provided to consumers.
Water Supply
Product Quality Index
Energy Generation